'Team Elite' completes the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge
22nd September 2023

On Friday 22nd September, Team Elite took on the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge, in aid of The Chris Aked Foundation.
After an early morning journey from their homes, the team set off from Horton in Ribblesdale at 07:07, with the first summit of Pen-y-Gent (694m) reached at 08:30.
Following a 10-mile gradual descent towards the Ribblehead Viaduct, the team took a quick break for some well-earned snacks, before continuing their hike up Whernside (736m), reaching the peak at 14:06. The descent from Whernside was tough on the joints, not made any easier by the forecasted rain closing in.
As the steepest climb of Ingleborough (723m) was reached, the team had split into three groups. Group 1 reached the summit at 17:15, Group 2 following up at 17:35 and Group 3 at 17:56.
At this point, the 6-mile descent to the finish line kick-started the extreme physical and mental struggle many experienced. Daylight was drawing to a close and with no public lights to direct the way, the journey through the agricultural land was unpredictable.
Customer Service member, Steve was first to end the challenge at 18:55, followed by members of the Seating team, Andy and Chantel. Our finance team, Lawrence, Ellie and Amy were next to reach the car park, and the Design & Marketing team followed almost 2 hours later – largely delayed by a member of their team suffering a knee injury.
The challenge was physically and mentally exhausting for some, while others were skipping up and down the peaks, relishing in the beauty of the challenge. Nevertheless, it was an achievement for everyone!